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EP1 from Sean McGovern

Now available on iTunes


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St. Louis musician Sean McGovern is currently recording his first album of original music with Meghan Gohil at Hollywood Recording Studio. This recording is based on an 8 song demo that McGovern recorded in 2010. Producer and friend Meghan Gohil was a big fan of the demo and felt like it should be given the full band treatment. The first song recorded was "Bend or Break" with Gohil on Electric guitar, Jay Lauterwasser on Bass and Nick Barbieri on drums and keyboards. They recorded their parts around McGovern's original vocal and acoustic guitar "Free as a Bird style" according to Gohil. This went so well that it was decided that all 8 songs would be recorded this way and with this talented group of musicians. The first results of this can be heard on the new EP1 which will be released in July 2016. The EP will feature "Sgt. Pilcher", "Bend or Break" and "Slow Wave". EP2 is expected to arrive this fall. Six more songs that McGovern has written will also be recorded for the LP which should be released in the spring of 2017,


Representation /

 Label / Wix Records


Management / Karen Blanche


 Booking / The Bookerz


 Press / That Girl Pr


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